The Body as Relational Territory


  • marcela de macedo cavallini Faculdade Angel Vianna


The present article aims to share a poetic experience in performance, having as theoretical and practical creation methodology the performative research (HASEMAN, 2015). The research starts from the concepts of territory and modes of existence in order to expand the possible relations of human bodies towards other more-than-human lives. This thought, by tending to abolish the binarities intrinsic to the classical division between body and medium, articulates with the studies of corpomedia by Katz; Greiner (2001). And, in the sense of including the artistic field in this debate, it shares the understanding of art as a way, which distances itself from the traditional view of artistic processes that aim at the work as the main result apart from the field of relations that compose it (MANNING, 2018), a conception that reiterated artistic canons linked to colonial Western history. The poetic creation called "Body-Border", therefore, started from these considerations and from the embodied experience of the quarantine, imbued by the constitutive lines of life that cross and connect body and environment in a tangled and coextensive way, based on the former as a participant activator of mediations.  

Author Biography

marcela de macedo cavallini, Faculdade Angel Vianna

Performer e dançarina. Graduada em Dança.


2022-06-22 — Updated on 2022-06-27




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