If I throw something out, I throw it out of where?

A passage from a lecture-performance


  • Pamella de Caprio Villanova Unicamp - Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes da Cena


It will be shared part of the lecture-performance “Out of where?”, which integrated the PhD research in Scenical Arts at Unicamp. The research aims to investigate the garbage problem and theatrical ways to communicate and raise awareness for an environmental education. The lecture-performance language has been explored as a strength to the actress work who desires relations to other disciplines’ knowledge and it seems a powerful field to interdisciplinarians, trans disciplinarians, in disciplinaries explorations. The possible performativity in a lecture situation, in a sharing knowledge situation, are places of creation in this research.  At the link below, it will be possible to watch part of a movie which integrates the theatrical work in progress.  





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