In search of the multiple voices in Stella do Patrocínio


  • Isadora Borges do Amaral USP


The present work focuses on the written and audio records of the performance Falatório created by Stella do Patrocínio in conjunction with the interviewers Carla Guagliardi and Mônica de Souza, between 1989 and 1991 at the psychiatric hospital Colônia Juliano Moreira (RJ). A performative creation that crosses the notions of voice and text, spoken and written word, vocality (CAVARERO) and orality (ZUMTHOR). When posthumously spectacles (re)perform Stella's text/speech, the dialectic between such concepts is intensified. We aim to shift the current view of the European tradition towards other literary and dramatic traditions that also make up the Brazilian cultural scene. One way of enriching the discussion without prioritizing the Western cultural root – and thus not updating the racist structures that mute African, indigenous and Eastern cultural and symbolic values – is in approaching the 'crossroads' ('encruzilhada') concept, which sustains the dialectical tension between different worldviews. We bring as reference the concept of 'oralitura' elaborated by Prof. Dr. Leda Maria Martins in conjunction with the concept of 'escrevivência', created by Conceição Evaristo to understand the Falatório inscribed in Brazilian literature and performance of African descendant matrices.





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