Collaborative Landscapes: collective territories in flow.


  • Isabela Berto Tescarollo UNICAMP


This paper is about the development and realization of the project “Paisagens Colaborativas (Collaborative Landscapes)”, a collaborative and virtual platform (podcast) in which participants share audio-texts of their own authorship. At first, it will be presented the project proposal and the motivations for its creation, based on the perceptions that the coronavirus pandemic brought about the use and/or lack of use and/or impossibility of use of our bodily senses - especially sight, hearing and touch. Next, it will be evidenced how the project collaborates to sensitize the sense of listening and its relation to the proposal of an aesthetic-education (ROBLE, 2008). These considerations will be made from the experience of partnership of the project with the students from Elementary and High School of Madre Tereza school in Itatiba - São Paulo, whose audio-texts were developed in the Portuguese classes taught by the teacher Julia Oblasser Paladino and then were included in the podcast.  Finally, it will be presented considerations about the transformations of the artistic making along the pandemic, considering that this project was elaborated by a dancer who realized that in her creative process the practice of writing and the use of technology became fundamental components in the conception of the works due to the impossibility of continuing with practical works in studio. This will be done by approaching such reflections to the concept of endo-aesthetics and the media art concept (GIANETTI, 2006). Access link: KEY-WORDS: collaborative; art; technology; aesthetic-education; pandemic.

Author Biography

Isabela Berto Tescarollo, UNICAMP

Isabela Berto Tescarollo é Bacharela em Dança pela UNICAMP (2020). Na graduação, foi bolsista de Iniciação Científica CAPES (quota 2017; orientação de Holly Elizabeth Cavrell) e FAPESP (2018/13636- 4; orientação de Melina Scialom e Verônica Fabrini), pela qual produziu o espetáculo “uma cena só” (2020). Integrou, de 2017 a 2019, o grupo de dança contemporânea Meandros da Faculdade de Educação Física, coordenado pelo Prof.Dr. Odilon José Roble. Atualmente atua como artista-pesquisadora, intérprete-criadora e professora de Yoga e se interessa pela intersecção da dança e o cinema, produzindo materiais audiovisuais (videodanças).





Textos Completos