Da Rosa salta gafanhoto

Trânsitos entre kata pessoal e poesia corpórea


  • SILVIA DO SOCORRO LUZ PINHEIRO Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Ivone Maria Xavier Amorim de Almeida Universidade Federal do Pará - PPGARTES-UFPA


This is a summary article, which was divided into five crossings, which has as research space the process of creation of the scenic work Da Rosa salta Gafanhoto, assuming it as poetics and methodology of my doctoral research. Which transits through the feminine dimension of Samurai, Geisha and Child Light inherent to the researcher and their relationships with the corporeal poetics of each one of them. The research declares that it is the grasshopper that jumps from the rose and assumes this leap that it takes as the body of the research and metamorphoses into the three female figures that appear in this crossing, which are ghosts that orbit the researcher, or crevices through which the creation process it spreads. The poetics and methodology used in the research, pervades the process of perceiving the metamorphosis of the straw that, when dry and begins to die, becomes flexible, curls up in a flower and then jumps in the form of a grasshopper, this was the methodology used. Something that unfolds, but first it dries up and goes towards death, would it be a methodology of death? Of perishing? A poetics of perishing, a poetic method of work, but what is this? A method of poetic flexibility, which contains personal Kata training, the three maskings. I present as theoretical support the concept of performative research that embraces these propositions for the practical studies carried out and for the construction of writing that emanates from the practices of the workroom. The performative research here is understood according to the precepts of Brad Haseman (2015). The conductor of the research is this flexible poetic methodology – Da Rosa salta gafanhoto -, where the martial artist presents the concept of self-creation, by ensuring that while generating the work she experiences many daydreams, questions about empty spaces of the martial artist and refinements of coherence in the face of the world that surrounds her and herself, starting to create herself, thus being a process of creation of the work and self-creation of herself in the face of her differences.

Author Biography

SILVIA DO SOCORRO LUZ PINHEIRO, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutoranda em Artes pelo PPGARTES-UFPA 9programa de Pós-graduação em Artes da Universidade Federal do Pará





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