Laboratório Espaços Sensíveis: A Possible Way


  • Mariana Santos universidade federal fluminense


This text presents the origin and process of the Laboratório Espaços Sensíveis (2021-to date), an investigation included as part of my master’s research (PPGCA-UFF) with students of Arts in the same university. The aim was to study the muscular release inspired by Alexander Technique, considering that to the expressive flow and the physical action organicity. Due to the coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2) pandemic situation, the original program – which had manual explorations as information to direct the process of muscular release – had to be adapted to remote mode. We describe the methodology and conclude that dynamic changes in language were essential to keep the attention present. We noticed that this work develops an awareness to body-mind interaction; and for scene, we also perceived that the work with imagination and memories also can affect the muscular release.





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