"Farewell-Itineraries of the wind"


  • Elisa de Almeida Rossin Universidade de São Paulo


This is the presentation of excerpts from the authorial research related to the creation of the visual poem "Farewell-Itineraries of the wind", built during the pandemic in 2021. The work encompasses the encounter between mask and puppet theater, cinema, and animation. In this hybrid territory, the poetics of materialities is the starting point for the scenic writing and dramaturgical construction. The intention is to update and revisit the theatricality through the transposition of elements from the language of theater to video and digital formats and to reveal ways of reinventing oneself and artistic productions in a pandemic context. The theme of the work is death and the inexpressible infinity of our existence. It is about ancestry, and all the mysteries of life that in this current moment are more present, such as the different passages of time, memory, and the beauty of all the immateriality that we carry with us.

Author Biography

Elisa de Almeida Rossin, Universidade de São Paulo

Artes Cênicas, interpretação





Textos Completos